Welcome to our new Resources page! Here you will find links to different educational and professional resources created by the African Bioacoustics Community and other organisations worldwide.
Sound Libraries
U. S. A. National Park Service Sound Gallery (this gallery links to several other sound libraries)
Fonoteca Zoologica (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid)
Wildlife section of the British Library's National Sound Library (Global)
Bernie Krause (Global Soundscapes)
Animal Diversity Web (University of Michigan, global wildlife)
Aquatic sounds:
Sound Ocean Science (Mozambique and Zanzibar - not public)
Salish Sea hydrophone network (Orca network; killer whale sounds)
Watkins Marine Mammal Sound Database (Global marine mammals)
Global Library of Underwater Biological Sounds, “GLUBS,” (marine wildlife)
Several iNaturalist Projects have bioacoustics observations and are also a great sound resource. Here are some that we found:
New Zealand Garden Bird Survey 2016
Ecol202 Biodiversity Coast-to-Coast (2015 and later; birds)
Ecol202: Backyard birds
Bird Calls New Zealand
Bird Calls
There are many different ways to learn more about bioacoustics but if you're a bit stuck - here are a few options you can look into...
Paid Courses - these are formal courses offered for university credit
Free Resources
K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics
Wildlife Acoustics